Thank you to our supporters and funders for helping us continue our work.
Ways you can support Artspace Lifespace:
However you choose to support us you’ll be helping ensure the next generation of artists can access affordable space for creating new art, music, circus, theatre and dance in Bristol and beyond. You can choose to become a patron and donate to us monthly or as a one-off and specify on the form what activity you would like your donation to support. Whether you pledge a little or a lot, your ongoing contribution can help us in the following ways.
How will your donation be used?
Supporting artists We operate a residency programme across all our venues, giving free use of space and staff time to support artists developing and creating new work. You can specify for your donation to be spent on commissioning artists or towards artist R&D during a residency with us or to help with costs of the We are From Dust Artspace at Ashton Court? Tell us what you would like your contribution to fund.
Supporting staff / core costs Pre-covid, we operated on a mainly self-funded model. A combination of subsidised rent from our landlord and income from hires and studio space enabled us to maintain this unique combined art space in the heart of the city. Due to the loss of our rent subsidy from 2021, and other core funding we need your help to pay our core-costs enabling us to maintain low-cost affordable artspace in the heart of the city.
Improving accessibility Our ambition is to be more accessible in the future through installing lifts and hearing loops but your contribution can also help with activities such as captioning costs for digital events.
Building maintenance Your support helps us maintain our meanwhile space buildings.
You can donate via Stripe (charges applied) or via the Paypal Giving fund.